Thank you for supporting and giving to the meth users.

The title probably caught your attention, right!!? Since we are coming up on celebrating The Tack Room and its first year, I wanted to share with you a post that I put up on facebook about our very first receivers.

Posted: March 28, 2013
Thank you for supporting and giving to the meth users.

This is Laura May, the Kinship Care Coordinator, for The Bair Foundation. She came to The Tack Room to pick up donations to take to the newborn preemie twins. She told me a little about their story and said I could share some of it with you…I’ll try to keep it short, but I wanted you to know what an awesome gift each one of you are for being so willing to give!

The twins were awarded custody to their “great” grandparents on Tuesday, just 48 hours after their birth. The “great” grandparents that are already caring for their 4 and 2 year old siblings now have been given more responsibility in their time of retirement. The grandmother is in rehab for substance abuse, and the birth mother seems to be living what she has be taught.

The twins, born addicted to meth, are now detoxing from the rottenness that has been poured into their little innocent lives. Please pray for them and for the “great” grandparents, and even harder, please pray for the grandmother and the birth mother.

The twins are now a part of the Kinship Program and are also now a part of The Tack Room family. They have a chance! If someone tells them! Otherwise, they will follow the generations before them. With your help we will continue to serve their physical need as they grow and serve their spiritual by sharing Christ with them.

These are the innocent. These are who The Tack Room is for. They didn’t ask or choose any of this. And it would not be possible for us to help them if it wasn’t for you, the givers! You! You are the givers! I thank you! From the bottom of my heart! And one day, when they start talking, I bet the little meth users with thank you too!